

Voorstel tot verordening aangaande het toepasselijk recht voor de tegenstelbaarheid van de overdracht van schuldvorderingen

Op 12 maart 2018 heeft de Europese commissie een voorstel tot verordening bekend gemaakt aangaande het toepasselijk recht voor de tegenstelbaarheid van de overdracht van schuldvorderingen (2018/0044/COD). Deze verordening zal uniforme regels in het leven roepen aan de hand waarvan men het recht kan bepalen dat de tegenstelbaarheid van de overdracht ven schuldvorderingen en de beslechting van rangconflicten beheerst. Met de creatie van dergelijke uniforme regels aangaande het toepasselijk recht hoopt de commissie de overdracht van schuldvorderingen in een internationale context aan te moedigen.

De kern van deze verordening is artikel 4, waar het recht van toepassing op de overdracht van schuldvorderingen aan de hand van volgende criteria wordt bepaald:

  1. Unless otherwise provided for in this Article, the third-party effects of an assignment of claims shall be governed by the law of the country in which the assignor has its habitual residence at the material time.

Where the assignor has changed its habitual residence between two assignments of the same claim to different assignees, the priority of the right of an assignee over the right of another assignee shall be governed by the law of the habitual residence of the assignor at the time of the assignment which first became effective against third parties under the law designated as applicable pursuant to the first subparagraph.

  1. The law applicable to the assigned claim shall govern the third-party effects of the assignment of:

(a) cash credited to an account in a credit institution;

(b) claims arising from a financial instrument.

  1. the law applicable to the third-party effects of an assignment of claims in view of a securitisation.

The assignor and the assignee may choose the law applicable to the assigned claim as the law applicable to the third-party effects of an assignment of claims in view of a securisation. The choice of law shall be made expressly in the assignment contract or by a separate agreement. The substantive and formal validity of the act whereby the choice of law was made shall be governed by the chosen law.

  1. A priority conflict between assignees of the same claim where the third-party effects of one of the assignments are governed by the law of the country in which the assignor has its habitual residence and the third-party effects of other assignments are governed by the law of the assigned claim shall be governed by the law applicable to the third-party effects of the assignment of the claim which first became effective against third parties under its applicable law.

Het memorandum en het voorstel tot verordening kan u hier terugvinden:


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